Case Study

A highly qualified team to develop a multi-channel ecommerce platform

Listing Mirror is an ecommerce business offering robust software solutions for multi-channel online sellers.
They offer an innovative set of tools, including listing creation, data storage, order consolidation, inventory syncing, and warehouse management.


  • VUE.JS


  • Working together for multiple years
  • Up to 3 engineers working on the project
  • Used staff augmentation engagement model


Our client needed to quickly add new talents to their team to accelerate their core platform development, as well as to develop an independent white label project.

They specifically needed developers using Python for Back End and Vue.js for Front End, with different seniorities to face multiple development challenges.


We quickly added 3 experienced software engineers to Listing Mirror’s team.

  • 1 Senior Full Stack Engineer
  • 2 Mid-level Full Stack Engineers

They worked on two main initiatives: to develop an independent project and to accelerate their core platform development.

Benefits & Results

Time saved to reduce time-to-market. 
 Money saved from hiring processes.

  • First part of the team available to start within a week
  • 3 Python & Vue.js experienced full stack engineers joined the team
  • Money saved thanks to reducing hiring and bureaucratic processes
  • Excellent synergy between Listing Mirror’s core team and NewCombin’s developers
  • High flexibility to manage the team, increasing and decreasing it as needed for almost 2 years


It has been really great working with NewCombin!

They helped us fill a need, and they have done a good job of helping us onboard resources.

Has been great working with them.

Brian Wawok

CEO & Co-Founder – Listing Mirror